Dork Diaries follows eighth grader Nikki Maxwell, who chronicles through text and sketches her move to a snooty new school; her epic battle with her mom for an iPhone; her enthusiasm for drawing & art; and a love/hate fascination with the new school's queen bee, a girl named Mackenzie who becomes Nikki's rival in a school-wide art competition.
Settled in at her new school and flanked by awesome friends Chloe and Zoey, life is looking up for Nikki Maxwell, especially since her crush, Brandon, asked her to be his lab partner—a seriously awesome development. However, when Nikki overhears mean girl Mackenzie bragging that Brandon’s taking her to the Halloween dance, a bummed Nikki signs on to spend Halloween at a kids’ party with her little sister, Brianna, instead. After she finds out Mackenzie was lying and her dream of going to the party with Brandon could be a reality, Nikki has two events to juggle . . . plus plenty of other entertaining trials and tribulations along the way!
I read the first 2 books and I am dying to get the 3rd.
These are my thoughts about Dork diaries
1. It is amazing because she made the book look like a real diary.
2. It makes you laugh because it is very funny:)
The most important lesson in the book is to not be jealous about what others have and also to be grateful for what you have. Well that's all for now.
popstarprincess :)
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